Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why Cook?

Why cook?

By Steve Mendoza

 Why cook? “Why the hell not?” I ask you? We live in the greatest time in culinary history. There is no excuse not to cook well. We have 2 entire television networks that play 24 hours of food information from around the world. Why? Because there was an audience that demanded it. We have dozens of chefs that have become rich and famous for the execution of an age old craft that early in my career was only paid as well as teachers.

   Furthermore we live in a global village, or some stinky hippy term like that. We have the World Wide Web that matches 2 of the greatest things of all time together. Catalogs and Express delivery.  People now have the luxury of buying things from that long ago vacation. Housewives in Secaucus can now buy a cutesy trinket from people far away in some mythic swarthy desert land that sells cool and exotic wares. There has never been a time in the history of the world when rich and poor alike can have the same food from the same source and both enjoy it in its proper sauce and accompanied by its local indigenous side dish. Heck, the new breed of "Lardus Americanus" is too lazy to hunt and gather so why not take advantage of this amazing TV offer?

  Another reason to cook for yourself is because we as human beings always strive to be better. Even the first cave man that accidentally dropped his brontosaurus bone into the fire pulled it out, gnawed off a hunk and said, “Hey! This is better!”  It’s what we’re good at. We excel at making things better. We adore those who do things very well.

  It is also a necessity of our very being. So come on Lardus Americanus. Pry your fat- track suit-clad ass off of your Barka Lounger and fire up those pots, pans and grills of your primal brethren. Just remember kids. It’s a short ride on the big blue marble so if it’s worth doing, it MUST be worth overdoing. Grab a knife and go nutso on a few tomatoes and some garlic instead of popping the lid off of Mamma Italianos’ famous home style sauce. The rewards are far greater.

 Seriously though, why not invite some people over and share the goods with friends and neighbors. Tell some stories and get a little sideways on the local bottled piss. That’s what cooking well is all about, sharing with others. For some folks, it’s to show off your best dish and to others it’s just to pig out on your neighbors dime. Whatever the reason may be, just share. Share food stories, share food and last of all, just share.
Cook some food, make some friends!

Cheers kiddies!

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